Why Choose Gymnastics?

“The four main aspects of fitness are muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility. These areas can be achieved in many sports, but none so completely as gymnastics.” – Industry Expert Patti Komara

  • It’s a fun form of exercise!
  • Physical fitness development – especially in the area of strength, flexibility, agility, balance, and coordination
  • Cognitive skill development – listening and following directions
  • Life skills development – discipline, determination, hard work, time management, and commitment
  • Personal development – self-confidence, responsibility, friendship, teamwork, and sportsmanship
  • Accomplishing goals – setting goals and working to achieve them

Lastly, whether your goal is advancing in gymnastics or not, it is a terrific launch pad and conditioning format for all other sports. And the student develops some invaluable life success skills!

Learn more about our classes here.


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Why Choose Gymnastics?
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